Since I implement the index extension using the Java programming language, I reuse this method as-is and do not implement a new hash function myself. 由于我是使用Java编程语言实现索引扩展的,所以我按原样重用了这个方法,并没有自己去实现新的hash函数。
Using the hash function, each row is put in a bucket with other rows that have the same hash value. 通过哈希函数,将具有相同哈希值的行放在一个bucket中。
The SSL Server responds with the encryption algorithm and hash function to be used. SSL服务器用加密算法以及要使用的散列函数来表示响应。
For each row that satisfies the filter condition, the database server applies hash function to the key and proves the hash table to find a match. 在满足筛选器条件的每个行中,数据库服务器将对键应用哈希函数,并探测哈希表以查找匹配的键值。
The number of buckets is typically much smaller than the domain of input values for the hash function. bucket的数量通常比hash函数的输入值的范围小得多。
The message digest ( also called the message authentication code) is computed using a hash function. 消息摘要(又称消息认证代码)是用散列函数计算的。
The receiver then invokes the same hash function on the received message and compares the generated digest to the one received. 接着,接收方对接收到的消息调用同一个散列函数,并将生成的摘要与接收到的摘要进行比较。
The encryption algorithm and the hash function are further grouped into CipherSpecs. 加密算法和散列函数被进一步分组到密码规范中。
An array into which data is inserted using a hash function is called a hash table. 使用哈希函数向数组插入数据后,这个数组就称为哈希表。
Diffluent algorithm based on hash function of high-speed network intrusion detection system 高速网络入侵检测系统中基于Hash函数的分流算法
This is an example of a hash function. 这就是一种哈希函数。
RFID Challenge-Response Authentication Protocol Based on Hash Function 基于Hash函数的RFID挑战-应答认证协议
One-time password scheme based on hash function and public key encryption 基于hash函数和公钥算法的一次性口令方案
Unfortunately, this is not a very secure hash function, it can be a dictionary attack to break algorithm similar to the command-line application! 不幸的是,这个哈希函数不是非常安全,它可以通过字典攻击算法被破解类似命令行应用程序!
Improve the Security of Cryptography Base on Hash Function 基于Hash函数加密方法的安全性研究
Half of the input is sent to each hash function. 对每个哈希函数发送一半的输入。
One-way hash function construction based on Chen-type hyper-chaotic system and key-stream 基于超混沌Chen系统和密钥流构造单向散列函数的方法
A hash function produces a fixed-size one-way hash value of the document. 哈希函数产生文档的固定长度单向哈希值。
Modified Algorithm for Hash Function Based on the Spatiotemporal Chaotic System 一种改进的基于时空混沌系统的Hash函数构造方法
Design and analysis of strong password authentication scheme based on Hash function 基于Hash函数的强口令认证方案设计与分析
Webpage protection Hash function Message digest; 网页保护;哈希函数;报文摘要;
Software Tamper-Proofing Technology Based on Hash Function 基于hash函数的软件防篡改技术
Block-breaking 3D mesh model fragile watermarking algorithm based on hash function 基于Hash函数的分块3D网格模型脆弱水印算法
Combining the advantages of chaotic coupled system and conventional one-way hash algorithm, a new keyed one-way hash function was presented. 结合双混沌系统以及传统散列函数的优点,提出一种新的带密钥单向散列函数的构造方法。
A good hash function gives a completely different result if the original file is changed even slightly. 即使源文件只是做了一点点微小的修改,一个好的散列函数仍然可以给出完全不同的结果。
Making use of digital signature, the original image is transformed by Hash function and is encrypted by their private key. 借助数字签名的思想,对原始图像进行哈希变换,并用私钥对其加密。
The root member of a team of connected hash operators sharing a common hash function and partitioning strategy. 拥有相同哈希函数和分区策略的相互连接的哈希运算符组的根成员。
Instead, passwords are stored as the output of a hash function. 相反的,密码要存储成某个hash函数的输出。
Statistical Analysis of One-way Hash Function SHA-1 and its Algorithm Improvement 单向Hash函数SHA-1的统计分析与算法改进